The new CD, TATERS PARTY! is all done, and shipped off to Oasis for manufacturing. We should see them in our hands in a few weeks, and the release party has been scheduled for Sat, Mar 30 at Max’s Positive Vibe Cafe in Richmond.
The Positive Vibe is a great restaurant and small music venue in Richmond’s southside that is dedicated to training and employing people with disabilities in food services. It’s a wonderful spot to eat, drink and hang out, and I think the release party will have a nice, intimate vibe to it! Here’s a piece that CBS did on the Vibe a few years back.
If you’re in the Richmond area and would like to come to the Party party, contact the Positive Vibe cafe and find out about reservations.
You can also find updates about the CD and more about the Tater happenings at the Facebook pages for The Taters and the Taters Party! While you’re there, be sure to Like the pages, and share them with your friends!